Edmund Roehlich

/attorney at law


Edmund Roehlich is with Proksch & Partner since 1999. He advises national and international companies (in various industrial sectors) but also private individuals in labour and corporate law as well as in commercial, civil and labour law litigation.

Another focus of his work is insolvency and reorganization law. He has more than 20 years of experience as an insolvency administrator and as a representative of creditors as well as debtors.

In addition, Edmund Roehlich is a lecturer on execution and insolvency law at the Academy of Notaries.

  • Since 1999: Attorney at law at Proksch & Partner
  • 1988 – 1999: Independent Attorney at Law in Vienna
  • Before: Traineeship at court (Higher Regional Court Vienna), associate at Vienna law firms, referent of the Zürich Versicherungs-AG and authorized signatory of the former AVA-Bank
  • Roehlich, OLG Wien: Kommanditist ist nicht Beteiligter iSd § 81 Abs 3 IO, ZIK 2017/66.
  • Roehlich, Zahlung zur Insolvenzabwehr und nachträgliche Anfechtung, ZIK 2016/168.
  • Roehlich, Schnittstelle Exekution – Insolvenz, in Konecny (Hrsg.), Insolvenz-Forum 2016, 97ff.
  • regular lectures at the Academy of Notaries on topics of insolvency and enforcement law